2. Register Of Medical And Social Programs And Medical Technologies 14 2016
2. Register Of Medical And Social Programs And Medical Technologies of Far Eastern Federal District of RUSSIA is created by Russian public organization «Russian Medical Women Association» as a part of preparation to the Congress of Medical Women's Association of Central Europe : regions-inform.ru
The base of the project is THE FIRST FAR EAST REGISTER OF COMPANIES AND IT'S TECHNOLOGIES (in the field of prevention, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation); THE REGISTER OF FAR EAST MEDICAL SOCIAL PROGRAMS is the equally important part of our project.

It is nessecary to post an information in Far Eastern Register , because it is a significant part of a national project that is implemented according to the principles of cooperation of the government and society.
Purpose and application: The program is intended for creation, database management, containing the following data:
Information about the directions of activity of Far Eastern companies that are representing it's technologies in prevention, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation in Russia;
Information about health and social programs that are carried out in the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District.
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