For the legal use and distribution of information from public events, the official site and/or any information materials/press handout of the conferences of the of the «Russian medical women,s association», as well as during the public distribution of statements and/or images of the participants of the conferences of the of the «Russian medical women,s association», it is necessary to provide a reference to the official website or specify another source of information for all printed and graphic materials .

It is prohibited to falsify or violate the integrity of the information received from the official sources of the conferences of the of the «Russian medical women,s association» during its public distribution, for commercial, personal, comic or any other purposes.

Deliberate distribution of falsified or distorted information on behalf of or with reference to the organizers of the conferences of the of the «Russian medical women,s association» will be subject to legal action.

The Organization Committee informs that it has the right to use all the the articles, photo and video materials received or created by Media during the conferences of the of the «Russian medical women,s association» with reference to the authors of the materials for information purposes .


  • TV— any video plot or TV interview made at the venue of the conferences of the of the «Russian medical women,s association» should contain mentioning of the conferences of the of the «Russian medical women,s association» (statement/text/ emblem/logo).
  • Print media/Radio — any citation or information received at the Congress venue should contain mentioning of the conferences of the of the «Russian medical women,s association» (hyperlink /text/ emblem/logo).
  • Online media — any article or interview, created during the work or following the results of the conferences of the of the «Russian medical women,s association» should contain mentioning of the conferences of the of the «Russian medical women,s association» (hyperlink/text/ emblem/logo).
  • Photography images — any article or interview, created during the work or following the results of the conferences of the of the «Russian medical women,s association» should contain mentioning of the conferences of the of the «Russian medical women,s association»Congress (hyperlink/text/ emblem/logo).
  • Bloggers — while using the official information received at the venue of the conferences of the of the «Russian medical women,s association», as well as citation or mentioning the participants of the conferences of the of the «Russian medical women,s association» ( possible only with their permission or the permission of the organizers of the Forum), as well as in the materials published on the Internet (blogs, social networks, etc.)it is necessary to adhere to objective facts and to refrain from falsifying facts and defamation. The organizers of the conferences of the of the «Russian medical women,s association» disclaim any responsibility for the statements of the participants of blogosphere, but in case any information or materials damaging the reputation , honour and dignity of the organizers and participants of the conferences of the of the «Russian medical women,s association» is published, they reserve the right to legal action.
