3 2016
The president of Russian Medical Woman Association professor Olga Goncharova was interviewed by amc-info.ru about activity of RMWA.

9 2016
Congress of the Medical Women’s International Association attend the secretary-general of the Medical Women’s International Association, Professor Shelley Ross (Canada). 9 August 2016

1 2016
"Russian Medical Women Association" participated in the 30th International Congress of The Medical Women’s International Association (Austria, Vienna). 1 August 2016

14 2016
An exemplary program of the symposium dedicated to the issues of public-private and public-public partnerships and cooperation in solving health and social problems of women's health and children and supplying them with information were made up during the

10 2016
The Federation Council will participate in the I Russian Forum "Social And Medical Problems of Women and Children’s Health", which includes the Congress Central Europe Medical Women Association and the annual scientific and practical pediatric conference.

15 2016